
Monday, August 27, 2012

Vitamin B12

After watching the documentary Forks over Knives the other day, my sister came across some interesting information regarding Vitamin B12.
Vitamin B12 is an absolute must, for without it can cause anemia, which can lead to nerve damage, and potentially death. It works to make DNA, and to protect nerve cells.
How do we get B12? Well interestingly enough, from animal products. OR, fortified cereals and supplements.
For me personally, I do not believe we were made to live off of supplements, and if we ate properly and from that which has been created for us, we would not need supplements because we would get all the nutrients and vitamins from this good old earth. I am also not sure how I feel about fortified cereals, because I'm not positive I like the idea of things being added to my food, since I've read that there are potential hazards, but I am studying up on that.
So if the only way I can get much needed Vitamin B12 naturally is through animal products, then this says to me I could never be vegan. This does not mean I need a lot of animal product though! Just enough to get the amount of B12 I need to be healthy and happy. Again, moderation is key! 
I know Heavenly Father has created this earth to work with and for us. And we need to work with and for the earth as well. Which is a whole other topic I'll write about later ;)

How much B12 do we need?
Life Stage          Vitamin B12(micrograms/day)
                                          Men, ages 19+          2.4
                                          Women, ages 19+      2.4
                                          Pregnancy               2.6
                                          Breastfeeding            2.8  

And here are a few (random) examples of foods and how much B12 they have:
                                             Food                      Vitamin B12 (micrograms/serving) 
                                 Oysters, cooked, 3 oz                                30
                                 Beef, ground, extra lean, cooked, 3 oz               1.8
                                 Tuna, canned, 2 oz                                  1.6 
                                 Chicken, roasted, 3 oz                                0.3
                                 Yogurt, plain, 8 oz                                   1.3 

I also found THIS article that gives the top 10 foods highest in Vitamin B12 and gives the info about them.

I'm still hoping to find much more information regarding B12, but for now, this is what I've got!


  1. I'm glad that you posted this. There are so many schools of though on eating that it makes my head spin, but I agree with the moderation. I've read a lot about the Weston A. Price way of eating (way too meat and dairy heavy for my taste), but I think it offers some good principles that can be combined with the "Forks over Knives" way of thinking.

  2. I'm not sure why I didn't see this post until today but great research! It took me awhile to reach my friend but I finally did and so she is going to do a blog post on B12 but really, you did a great job. I'm hoping she answers how often do I need the B12, if I get lots one day, can that last me a few days....
