
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Veggies = Protein!!

In case you didn't hear, this elementary school in New York as just gone vegetarian, and I think it's awesome. The real fact is the "meat" they serve in schools is processed mumbo jumbo junk, anyways. 
Many are arguing, "how will they get their protein?". This is a common argument, and question for those of us who eat little to no meat at all. 
Have no fear, there is PLENTY of protein in your diet if you are choosing to eat your veggies, which you should be. In fact, there is MORE protein in those awesome veggies than meat!
And so I give you this beauty, for your reference...
Enjoy eating healthy!

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed reading that 'graph' or whatever you would call it. I love the vegetarian school idea! Friends of ours have their kids in a school that isn't vegetarian but the produce is grown on the campus, local grown beef/chicken, whole grains...I think our schools could do better.
