
Friday, October 19, 2012

Avocado = your dressing

I like ranch, good ranch. That being said, we all know it's not the best choice of dressing, so it is definitely a "treat", when had. Thankfully there are a bajillion other kinds of healthier options out there, when it comes to your salad dressings. 
One of them being, the Avocado. Delicious, smooth, avocado. 
Seriously, give it a try!
One simple, but amazingly delicious way, is to simply mash avocado into the salad, squeeze some lemon juice over the top, add a little salt and pepper, and done! So quick, so flavorful, and so much healthier than your regular creamy dressings. Don't be afraid to get your hands dirty and squeeze that avocado into the lettuce. I find it somewhat satisfying. 

Below is a photo and link to another avocado dressing I made, which is also very delicious!

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